Final Evaluation

Final Evaluation

Overall finally, I have created a website and this website to show the investigation that went into creating the interactive media website. My interactive website did well I think and has good potential, I have explained a lot about it and made it as interactive as I could. I think the best feature of it is the shop as it is probably the most interactive with rollover pictures of the merchandise. This creates a fun shop for the customers and an easy scroll through. A contact page is also useful as it makes it interactive and a special feature. I have researched the different typography and hyperlinks and colour theory, rollover buttons, navigation menus. In class tasks I added all the work we did which was good help for the actual site we made using QR codes and screen recording. With all the gifs and particle tutorials we did. mind maps were helpful to know what you were going to do and plan ahead. Also planning and drawing the logo and see how the homepage was gonna look like helped you visualize it and see what you were gonna do. Talking about production was useful as because I talked about what I did helped me see what I didn't do, therefore making me improve on my work and make it top quality. Reviewing websites was also very helpful as this made me see what makes a good and bad website and how it needs to look for it to be professional. Adding queens music videos to the website was a good feature to help the audience see a few of their best songs  without having to search it up for themselves and have easy access straight away right then right there.

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