

First I created the logo for my website and added it all around the website. Then I found all of their music and added it to the website as an album making it downloadable, with pictures of the band around it. I added various pages of about queen writing about their history their life how they become famous and all sorts of useful information

Next I made the possibility of booking a show that you can go to. With even a shop where you can buy actual queen products add them to your basket and even a login bar. all their socials have also been linked so they you can go to their original pages and experience the real queen. some of their actual YouTube videos have been added for a preview and some more pictures expressing he band and giving it life.

I have told the audience what the band is about and what they do giving a clear identity about them and selling good information. I wanted to give the band and website a casual feel showing the original self of the band as it is a history page about them and explaining to people information that they might not have known before.

Booking online for a show was a great feature to add as it makes the website more interactive also with the availability to log in and with the store being able to add merchandise to the basket all add interactiveness  to the website really giving it the interactive media production it needs to be. Also adding the bands original socials is helpful if people want to see the original sites and interact with them.
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